(024) 7460024 Ext 112 spi@undip.ac.id

On Thursday, July 6, 2023, the Internal Audit Unit of Undip (Diponegoro University) along with the Directorate, Bureau, and related Units held a Kick-Off Meeting for the Andalan (Audit dan Tindak Lanjut) Application. This activity is a follow-up to the presentation of the Andalan application delivered by the Internal Audit Unit in the DTIKP room (Directorate of Technology, Information, Communication, and Reporting) on May 11, 2023. The Kick-Off meeting was held in the BKB Meeting Room, SA-MWA Building, 1st floor, Undip Tembalang.

The event was opened at 09:00 WIB by Mrs. Ratna Wahyu Setyaningtyas, S.H., M.Si., the Head of the Communication and Business Bureau of Diponegoro University. She conveyed several points as follows:

1. When the application will start being used;
2. The IT department and the Directorate are expected to facilitate the development of the Andalan apps;
3. The development of the application must follow the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Information System and Software Application Development that already exist, in accordance with Decree Number 161/UN7.A/HK/VII/2022 regarding the SOP for Information System/Software Application Development within Diponegoro University;
4. Formation of the Andalan apps development team.

Next, Mr. Joko Saksono, S.Kom., as the Deputy Director of DTIKP, presented the results of the previous meeting between the Internal Audit Unit and DTIKP, where many inputs were given regarding the draft business process of the Andalan apps.

The discussion continued with a detailed discussion of the application development team, which includes: Information System Analyst, Drawer, Backend and Frontend Programmers, Unit Testing Testers, Security Testers, UAT Testers, and Deployer.

In the future, there are plans to hold an internal technical meeting for application development. Subsequently, the drawer will create the User Interface (UI) design of the application. In addition, the visualization of the business processes will be created in the form of Activity Diagrams, Class Diagrams, ERDs, Flowcharts, Sequence Diagrams, and Use Case Diagrams.

The Andalan app is being developed taking into consideration that Undip has many work units that are subject to audits. The Internal Audit Unit requires a platform that can organize documents and data from the examination results, as well as monitor all follow-up actions taken by the work units within the Undip environment.