(024) 7460024 Ext 112 spi@undip.ac.id

Diponegoro University held a BPK RI Audience with the Leadership of Diponegoro University on Monday, October 9 2023 in the Chancellor’s Meeting Room in the Widya Puraya Building Undip Tembalang. The Audience Meeting was held in the context of discussion and obtaining information related to the BPK RI examination at Diponegoro University.

In his remarks, the Chancellor of Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum conveyed several things, including:
1. Undip has been PTNBH since 2015.
2. In regulations, Undip refers to existing Minister of Finance Regulations.
3. The principle of independence regulated in the Undip statute refers to propriety, appropriateness, etc. which are used as a reference by Undip.
4. The efforts that have been made at Undip are still far from perfection, therefore recommendations and suggestions from the BPK are very necessary.

In this audience, Mr Suparwadi, as Deputy in Charge of BPK RI, said that the BPK RI Team had been carrying out audits since early September 2023. The audits had been carried out for approximately 1 month. This audit is part of the Ministry of Education and Culture and Higher Education‘s audit, in order to strengthen, and ensure the audit is running and is part of supervision activities at Undip.

Also present at this audience were: Deputy Chancellors, LPPM (Institute for Research and Community Service), LP2MP (Institute for Development and Quality Assurance of Education), BPP (Planning and Development Agency), BPSDM (Human Resources Development Agency), BAK (Academic and Student Affairs Bureau), BUK (General and Financial Bureau), BIKS (Innovation and Cooperation Bureau), Asset Management and Logistics Section, Personnel Section, PT. Undip Maju, and PSDKU (Study Program Outside the Main Campus).