On September 14, 2023, Diponegoro University held an exit meeting with the Central Java Province Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP). This meeting is part of a series of 2022 Higher Education Performance Evaluations at Diponegoro University. BPKP evaluation activities at Undip have been going on for approximately 15 working days, from 23 August 2023 to 12 September 2023.
Exit meetings took place in the Chancellor’s Meeting Room, Widya Puraya Building Undip Tembalang, starting at 08:30 WIB. The event opened with remarks and directions from Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum, as Chancellor of Diponegoro University.
This exit meeting event was attended by a number of parties, both from the BPKP and Undip Teams. The parties present from Undip included the leadership, the Head of the Bureau, and the Manager of each work unit including the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, Deputy Chancellor for Resources, LPPM (Institute for Research and Community Service), Planning and Development Agency, Bureau and managers General and Financial Bureau, Academic, and Student Affairs Bureau.
In this exit meeting, Mr. Susanto, a representative from BPKP, presented the results of the 2023 Diponegoro University Evaluation. There were 6 (six) main points to pay attention to in the evaluation activities, including:
a) Higher Education Performance;
b) Admission of Underprivileged New Students;
c) Accountability of SPI Management;
d) Use of APBN Funds;
e) The Role of Higher Education in P3DN and Handling Extreme Poverty;
f) Other things that need to be considered
Research output data, community service, and applied work have not been managed adequately.
The Chancellor said that the input and direction resulting from this evaluation activity was needed to improve the quality at Diponegoro University, both financial and non-financial.