(024) 7460024 Ext 112 spi@undip.ac.id

On July 6, 2023, Diponegoro University held an Exit Meeting for the general audit conducted by KAP RSM Indonesia. The audit process conducted by KAP RSM lasted for approximately 5 months, starting with a kick-off meeting on February 1, 2023.

The Exit Meeting took place in the Rector’s Meeting Room, Widya Puraya Building, Undip Tembalang, starting at 13:00 WIB. The agenda of this Exit Meeting included:

  • Overview of the Audit Implementation
  • Presentation of Audit Results
  • Presentation of the Financial Report for the year 2022
  • Matters Requiring Management’s Attention

During this exit meeting, Ms. Endang Pramuwati, a representative from the external auditor RSM Indonesia, presented the general audit results related to the university’s consolidated financial statements and subsidiary entities for the year 2023.

The audit results indicated that the consolidated financial statements of Diponegoro University and its subsidiary entities for the period ending on December 31, 2022, received an Unmodified Opinion, signifying that the statements are reliable. As for the Compliance Report of Diponegoro University with the Laws and Regulations and the Company’s Internal Controls for the year ending on December 31, 2022, Diponegoro University complied with all relevant provisions in specific regulations in a material manner. There were no findings indicating any material weaknesses related to its internal controls and operations.