History of UNDIP Internal Supervisory Unit
The Internal Supervisory Unit (SPI) was established under the name of the Supervisory and Evaluation Agency (BPE) based on The Minister of Education Regulation No. 65 of 2009. In 2010, BPE changed its name to Internal Auditor Undip. Members of the Auditor Team are all lecturers, with the composition of the Internal Auditor Team Personnel, namely:
Chairman: Drs. Tarmizi Achmad, Akt., MBA., Ph.D.
Secretary: Prof. dr. Tri Nur Kristina, DMM., M.Kes., Ph.D.
Members: Prof. Suteki, Dr. Boedi Hendrarto, Dr. Suharnomo, Dr. Asnawi, Faisal, M.Si., and Herry Laksito, M.Adv. Acc.
Spi’s task-based on Rector’s Decree Number: 248/SK/H7/2010, which is to supervise and evaluate the standards of educators and education personnel; standards of facilities and infrastructure; management standards; and financing standards. SPI is responsible to the Rector of Undip.
In 2011, in each Competition Grant Program (Layoffs) appointed Monev Program Team whose all members are Members of the Internal Auditor Team. Monev’s team is tasked with planning monev program activities; implement and coordinate monev program activities; and make a report on monev program activities. Monev’s team is responsible to the Rector.
Internal Auditor changed its name to Internal Supervision Unit (SPI) based on Rector’s Decree Number: 283/UN7. P/HK/2014 dated April 2, 2014 on the Appointment as SPI UNDIP Year 2014 in charge of conducting non-academic supervision in the Undip environment and responsible to the Rector. The composition of SPI Personnel is still the same as the personnel of the Internal Auditor Team.
In accordance with Rector’s Decree Number: 2309/SK/UN7/KP/2014 dated September 17, 2014 on the Appointment of chairman and secretary of SPI UNDIP year 2014. Spi Personnel Structure was dismissed (especially SPI Auditor Members) who subsequently appointed Tarmizi Achmad, Akt., MBA., Ph.D as Chairman of SPI and Faisal, Ph.D as SPI Secretary. Every year a decree is made to appoint spi chairman & secretary. The auditor team that was previously a lecturer was replaced with a Staff consisting of Undip employees and contract workers.
In 2016, on May 2, Undip Chancellor Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama S.H., M.Hum, appointed the chairman and deputy chairman of the SPI Undip, namely Prof. Dr. Abdul Rohman, S.E, M.Si, Akt and Dr. Indira Januarti, S.E., M.Si, in accordance with the Rector’s Decree Number: 147/SK/UN7.P/KP/2016 concerning the Appointment of the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Internal Supervisory Unit at Diponegoro University.
At the end of the term of office of the Chair and Deputy Chair of the SPI, the Undip Chancellor issued Rector’s Regulation No. 6 of 2021 concerning the Organization and Work Procedure of the Elements Under the Rector of Diponegoro University, where the Rector’s Regulation changes the structure of the SPI leadership.
The head of SPI is still held by Prof. Dr. Abdul Rohman, S.E, M.Si, Akt based on the Rector’s Decree Number: 3449/UN7.P/KP/2021 assisted by SPI Secretary Tri Widowati S.E. and SPI Administrative Supervisor Sukma Oktavianingsari S.E., M.Ak. based on the Rector’s Decree: 3744/UN7.P/KP/2021.