Previously, SPI had taken part in Internal Audit training for Legal Entity State Universities (PTN-BH) at Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Yogyakarta. This internal audit training focuses on discussing 2 main materials, namely Financial Report Review and Audit Techniques for Procurement of Goods and Services (PBJ).
After returning from the training, material was presented on financial report reviews and audits of procurement of goods and services by the team that took part in the audit training. This activity was carried out as a form of sharing knowledge with other SPI staff. Taking place in the SPI courtroom, the presentation began by discussing the Financial Report Review first by Mrs. Sukma Oktavianingsari, S.E., M.Ak., as Supervisor of SPI Undip. Then it was continued with the presentation of Goods and Services Procurement Audit (PBJ) material by Arum Purnamasari, S.T.
Knowledge-sharing activities have many benefits for organizations including:
• Sharing knowledge will increase collaboration between individuals and teams, especially concerning audit activities;
• Improve problem-solving abilities, especially related to supervisory activities;
• By combining various knowledge and perspectives, it is easier to create better solutions to face problems at Undip.
Sharing knowledge not only benefits the individuals sharing it, but also the organization as a whole by creating an environment where knowledge can be accessed, expanded, and used to achieve shared goals.