(024) 7460024 Ext 112 spi@undip.ac.id

On 3 – 4 November 2023, the Diponegoro University Internal Supervisory Unit (SPI) carried out capacity building at Sekuro Village Beach Resort, Jepara. This activity, which was held for 2 days and 1 night, was filled with various interesting events.

On the first day, in the afternoon upon arrival at Sekuro Village Beach Resort, outdoor games were played, namely the water balloon game on the edge of Sekuro beach.

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In the evening, there are Gift Exchanges and SPI Got Talent activities.

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SPI Got Talent is an activity where each SPI personnel displays their talents.

On the second day, at 8 am, outbound activities were carried out guided by Goodel Adventure.

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In the afternoon, as a closing event, SPI personnel visited the Troso Weaving Craft.

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The aim of capacity building is to increase the ability of individuals and organizations to achieve goals and overcome challenges that will be faced in the future. Apart from that, capacity building can also strengthen the capacity of human resources, systems, and organizational structures to make them more effective and efficient. Bearing in mind that during 2023 the personnel have been burdened with various tasks which they have been able to complete well.

By carrying out this capacity building, hopefully, it will be able to refresh minds and be able to increase the cohesiveness of SPI personnel as a provision to face more complex challenges in the future.