(024) 7460024 Ext 112 spi@undip.ac.id

Tasks and Functions

Tasks and Functions of The Internal Supervisory Unit of Diponegoro University


The tasks of the Internal Supervisory Unit (SPI) of Diponegoro University are:

  1. Assisting the Chancellor in fulfilling the responsibilities of managing Diponegoro University.
  2. Assisting the Chancellor in improving good governance, the effectiveness of management control processes, risk management, implementing organizational ethics, and measuring the performance of Diponegoro University.
  3. Providing early warning.
  4. Directing management attention to environmental changes, risks that arise, and other things that affect the performance results of Diponegoro University.
  5. Provide an assessment of the conditions and recommendations to achieve the University’s goals effectively and efficiently.
  6. Accompanying and give consultation to the unit.
  7. Identify the opportunities in increasing savings, efficiency, and effectiveness.


The functions of the Internal Supervisory Unit (SPI) at Diponegoro University are:

  1. Carry out internal supervision to achieve effectiveness, efficiency, the security of assets and administrative documents, as well as to increase compliance with laws and regulations.
  2. Analyzing and evaluating the achievement of goals and targets for all divisions/units in Diponegoro University;
  3. Conducting examinations in both reviews and non-academic audits.