The Internal Supervisory Unit of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta conducted a benchmarking to the SPI of Diponegoro University on Monday, August 14, 2022. The event took place in the BAK (Administration and Student Affairs Bureau) Meeting Room in the SA-MWA building Undip Tembalang.
This event started at 13.00 WIB and was opened by Prof. Dr. Abdul Rohman, S.E., M.Sc., as chairman of the Diponegoro University Internal Supervisory Unit. Then the event continued with the introduction of the SPI UIN Jakarta team and the presentation of the aims and objectives of this comparative study by the Secretary of SPI UIN Jakarta, Mr. Ahmad Afandi, M.E.
There were several things conveyed by Mr. Ahmad Afandi, M.E., including:
- It is planned that in 2024, UIN Jakarta will become a tertiary institution with the status of a State University-Legal Entity (PTN-BH).
- SPI and other units at UIN Jakarta formulate governance that is ready to transform into a State University-Legal Entity (PTN-BH).
In this event, Prof. Dr. Abdul Rohman, S.E., M.Sc, as Head of SPI, conveyed several things, including:
- SPI history
- Main Duties and Functions of SPI
- Basic Guidelines for Implementation of Duties
- Scope
- Activity
- SPI personnel; and
- Organizational structure
Before the event ended, a discussion and question and answer session opened regarding the internal audit, review, and PTN Legal Entities at Diponegoro University.
Hopefully, this benchmarking can establish cooperation between SPI Undip and SPI UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.