(024) 7460024 Ext 112 spi@undip.ac.id

Vission and Mission


The vision of the Undip Internal Supervisory Unit is to become an internal supervisory organization that is highly dedicated to supporting a good internal control system and providing additional value to every activity in Diponegoro University. 


Undip Internal Supervisory Unit’s Missions are: 

  1. Carry out internal supervision over the implementation of non-academic field work 
  2. Encouraging the improvement of a good Internal Control System
  3. Conduct audits, reviews, mentoring, consultancy, and provide recommendations for organizational management in non-academic fields
  4. Coordinating with the Undip Audit Committee and external auditors. 


The values ​​held by the Undip Internal Supervisory Unit in the implementation of their duties and authority include: 

1. Integrity 

Integrity is a combination of persistence in maintaining the principles and ethics of professionalism, consistency in maintaining dedication to the implementation of duties, and the ability to provide accountability based on honesty. 

2. Independent 

The Internal Auditor of the Undip Internal Supervisory Unit maintains independence in carrying out their duties at Diponegoro University. 

3. Honesty 

The attitude of the Internal Auditor of Undip Internal Supervisory Unit demands to be forthright, intellectually open and free from conflicts of interest. 

4. Objective 

The auditor must be neutral, unbiased and avoid conflicts of interest in planning, implementing and reporting on the assignments that have been carried out 


Undip Internal Supervisory Unit’s Goals is to carry out internal supervision of financial management, assets, and other resources to ensure the achievement of: 

  1. The effectiveness of organizing the organization of all units at Diponegoro University in a more efficient way 
  2. The effectiveness of program implementation and activities of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. 
  3. Security of Diponegoro University assets. 
  4. Reliability of information and financial reports of Diponegoro University. 
  5. Compliance with laws and regulations.