(024) 7460024 Ext 112 spi@undip.ac.id

Internal Audit is a function that carries out the task of providing supervision with the aim of independently testing and evaluating various activities carried out by the organization. Auditors in carrying out their duties often face many new and different challenges and problems in the field, so an internal auditor is required to provide confidence that the organization is running in accordance with applicable regulations.

How to Become an Insightful Internal Auditor?

It is not easy to get insight for an Internal Auditor, it requires a professional character that must be possessed, such as being skeptical in seeing problem points and being a problem solver, but there are things that can make it easier for Internal Auditors to gain insight:

First, Understanding Organizational Business Processes

Monitoring through strategic policies, activity plans, and organizational reports can assist the Internal Auditor in getting to know more about the complex prospects of the organization in carrying out its operations.

Second, Change Perspective

Looking at business processes from another point of view, communicate and coordinate outside the organization to find out how business processes within the organization are running from the perspective of customers, partners, and policymakers.

Third, Improving Competence and Experience

Participate in training and seminars, as well as by taking formal education in order to improve competence both in the field of auditing and in other fields that are comprehensive with the duties of an auditor. In addition, it is necessary to increase audit hours so that they are not only based on checklists but the auditors must also be detailed in conducting a thorough examination of the work environment within the organization, especially at the point of internal control which is still considered weak.