(024) 7460024 Ext 112 spi@undip.ac.id

The Diponegoro University Internal Monitoring Unit (SPI) held a meeting with the Undip IT Team on Wednesday, 15 May 2024. The meeting was held in the SPI courtroom, Diponegoro University SA-MWA building. This activity was carried out to see a demo of the development of the SiAndalan application (Audit and Follow-up Information System). This meeting was a continuation of the previous SPI meeting which was held at the Undip ICT building.

SPI Undip segera miliki Aplikasi Audit

This activity was filled with application demos by the IT Team, accompanied by discussions and providing suggestions and input to the Undip IT Team as the application developer. This is done so that the Siandalan application will be following the needs and expectations of SPI as the unit that submitted the Siandalan application.

The SiAndalan application is an information system for audits and follow-up that has been developed since 2023. It is hoped that this year, the SiAndalan application can begin to be used in audit and follow-up activities at Diponegoro University.