Diponegoro University held an ICT Audit Kick-off and Entry Meeting in the context of Procurement of External Audit Services in the Field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Diponegoro University in 2023. The activity was held on Friday, 10 February 2023, at the Chancellor’s Meeting Room at the Widya Puraya Building, Undip Tembalang. The activity started at 10.00 WIB starting with remarks and directions from Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum, as Chancellor of Diponegoro University.
In this entry meeting activity, Dr. Basuki Rahmad, as the representative of the External Auditor (PT. Transforma Engineering and Solutions) conveyed the ICT audit methodology that will be carried out during the audit later. The ICT Audit methodology that will be carried out consists of several stages, including:
1. Audit Planning Stage
Includes entry meeting activities, initial data collection, risk assessment, detailed scheduling, and audit program finalization.
2. Audit Implementation Stage
a) IT Governance and Management Audit
Includes analysis of regulatory documentation, design effectiveness of IT governance and management controls, the operational effectiveness of IT governance and management controls, and analysis of findings and confirmations.
b) Application Audit
Includes analysis of priority control scopes, application functionality, application performance, and analysis of findings and confirmations.
c) Infrastructure, Security, and Data Center Audit
Covers priority control scope analysis, infrastructure, IT security, data center, and findings and confirmation analysis.
3. Audit Reporting
Includes exit meeting and final report preparation.
The ICT audit will last for approximately 2 months, from February to March 2023.
The ICT Audit Exit meeting will be held on March 29, 2023, while the Audit Report Preparation will be on March 30, 2023.